Welcome to Ottawa Kiting community!
Kiting is a new group of related sports: kitesurfing or kiteboarding (on water), kitesnowboarding & kiteskiing (on snow), kiteskating (on ice), kitelandboarding & kite buggying (on land) and kiteboating (with a boat on water). All of them use a kite as the main sailing "engine" to propel a "vehicle" (kiteboard or boat on water, snowboard or skis on snow, skates on ice and landboard or buggy on land). Two of the main fun factors of kiting are that it is a 3-D sailing sport (allowing the rider to occasionally "escape" the limitation of the water/snow/ice/land surface) and it can be done year-round (there aren't many exciting sports that can be done year-round in Ottawa).
Given the fact that Ottawa is a relatively small town, it is very active in kiting activities and Ottawa is the proud incubator of the world's most popular kiting information website.
You are welcome to explore our site, our exciting world of kite sports and even kite at our local spots; however, before you attempt to kite in Ottawa, please read our Safety & Rules section.